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大會提供給參加者作為用户使用<COROS SPARK RUN>網站和各種相關的服務(統稱為“網站”),受參加者遵守所有的條款、條件、並在此處引用的通告(以下簡稱“使用條款”),以及大會與參加者之間的任何其他書面協議。此外,使用本網站特定的服務或 資料時,用戶應遵守任何發布適用於可能包含那些使用條款的條款和條件的規則及此 類服務或資料。所有這些指引或規則都歸納併入本使用條款。
若使用本網站,參加者同意遵守這些使用條款。如果參加者不希望局限於這些使用條款,請立即退出本網站。參加者對此網站的不滿,或任何產品,服務,內容或其他信 息的補償,請停止使用本網站和/或那些特定的產品或服務。當參加者開始使用本網站 ,參加者與大會關於遵守這些使用條款協議便會生效。
大會明確保留恕不另行通知隨時更改使用條款的權利。參加者承認並同意,參加者有 責任不時查閱本網站和本使用條款和了解任何修改。這些修改後參加者繼續使用本網 站將構成對修改後的使用條款,並確認同意遵守,並通過修改後的使用條款的約束。
大會提供本網站上的各種服務,包括但不限於、售賣活動項目,以及其他類似的服 務。參加者是負責提供,負擔所有需要使用的服務,包括電腦,調製解調器和互聯網 接入(包括支付與此類接入相關的所有費用)設備。 大會保留獨家權利,在任何時間沒有通知參加者情況下,修改或終止該網站,包括任 何網站的功能。大會將不負責對參加者或任何第三方因應大會行使這樣的權利。任何 新功能,該網站上增強或強化當時的服務,也應遵守本使用條款。
為了獲得這個網站提供的一些服務,參加者將被要求填寫網上報名表,其中要求某些 信息和資料(“個人資料”),維護和更新參加者的個人資料的要求。通過報名,參加者同意在個人資料提供的所有信息真實,準確,並根據需要,以保持最新,完整和準確,參加者將維護和更新此信息。 參加者也給大會權利給第三方透露關於參加者的某些個人資料。大會得到通過參加者 使用本網站,包括參加者的個人資料信息,是受大會的隱私政策[插入鏈接隱私政策。
參加者使用本網站遵守所有適用的法律和法規,而參加者是全權負責參加者通過網站 的實質通信內容。通過使用任何通信服務發布信息或以其他方式,聊天室,留言板, 新聞組,軟件庫,或其他互動服務,可以提供給參加者或通過這個網站,參加者同意 參加者不會上傳,共享,發布,或以其它方式分發或促進任何內容分發 - 包括文本, 通信,軟件,圖像,聲音,數據,或其他信息 ,即:
一、 是非法的,威脅,辱罵,騷擾,誹謗,中傷,欺騙,欺詐,侵犯他人隱私,侵權 ,包括明示或圖形描述或性行為(包括應收但不限於暴力或威脅性語言衝著另一個人 或一群人),或以其他方式違反了大會的規則或政策;
二、傷害、騷擾、貶低,或恐嚇的個人或團體的宗教,性別,性取向,種族,民族, 年齡,或殘疾;
四、構成未經授權或不請自來的廣告,垃圾或大量電子郵件(也稱為“垃圾郵件”), 連鎖信,其他任何形式的未經許可的邀約,或任何形式的彩票或賭博;
五、包含被設計或打算顛覆,損害,或限制任何軟件,硬件,或通訊設備的功能或損 壞或獲得未經授權的訪問的任何數據或其它信息軟件病毒或任何其它電腦代碼,文件 ,或任何第三方資料;或
六、假冒任何個人或實體,包括大會的任何員工或代表。 大會既不贊同,也不承擔上傳或提交網站的第三方用戶的任何材料的內容承擔任何責 任。大會一般不預先篩選,監控,或編輯用戶發布的博客資料,通信服務,聊天室, 留言板,新聞組,軟件庫,或可能提供或通過本網站等互動服務的內容。但是,大會 和大會的代理人有自行決定的權利,根據大會的判斷刪除不符合對大會網站的任何使 用條款和用戶行為其他規則,或者是任何有害的,令人反感,或不準確的內容。大會 不負責清除這些內容出現任何故障或延誤。參加者在此同意這些清除和放棄對大會產 生了這樣的刪除內容的任何索賠。
參加者同意,當參加者違反了以上任何規定,大會可以在任何時間,在大會自行決定 ,無須事先通知終止參加者的參加資格,帳戶或其他從屬關係的網站。此外,參加者同意大會將全力配合其他部門,包括與執法機關調查涉嫌犯罪行為的合作違反系統或 網絡安全的調查。
本網站可能鏈接到在互聯網上其他網站或以其他方式包括參考信息,文檔,軟件,由 其他方提供的材料和/或服務。這些網站可能包含的信息或材料,有些可能會發現不當 或被冒犯。這些網站和當事人不在大會的控制之下,參加者認同大會將不負責此類網 站的任何其他方面的準確性,版權合規性,合法性,適當性,也不是大會負責的錯誤 或遺漏任何引用其他方或他們的產品和服務。列入此類鏈接或引用的僅僅是提供便利 ,並不意味著贊同,或聯繫,由大會的網站或團體,或任何形式的擔保,任何明示或 暗示的保證。
本使用條款中的“內容”是指任何信息,數據,通信,軟件,圖片,視頻,圖形,音樂 ,聲音,以及其他的材料和服務,可以由用戶在大會網站上查看。這包括博客,留言 板,聊天等原創內容。 通過接受這些使用條款,參加者承認並同意提交參加者在本網站所有內容均受版權,商標,服務商標,專利或其他專有權利和法律的保護。參加者只被允許使用由大會或 特定內容提供商明確授權的內容。除僅供個人使用,參加者不得複製,複製,修改, 重新發布,上傳,發布,傳播,或未經大會事先書面許可,從本網站以任何形式或以 任何方式分發任何文件或資料作出的一個副本或特定內容提供商,而參加者是全權負 責獲得許可再使用任何受版權保護的材料,可在本網站前。任何未經授權使用出現在 本網站上的材料可能違反版權法,商標法和其他適用的法律,可能導致刑事或民事處 罰。 無論大會或大會的關聯公司保證或參加者使用的材料上顯示,或通過獲得的,本網站 將不會侵犯第三方的權利。 所有的自定義圖形,圖標,標識和服務名稱是註冊商標,商標或其關聯公司的服務標 誌。所有其他商標或服務標記均為其各自所有者的財產。在這些使用條款授予參加者 的任何權利使用任何商標,服務標誌,標識,和/或其關聯公司的名稱。
參加者向本網站發送給大會,無論是通過電子郵件,郵寄或其他方式,以任何理由, 都將被視為非機密和非專有的任何信息或資料。當參加者保留這些通信或材料的所有 權利,參加者授予大會和大會的代理商和分支機構複製,分發,展示,表演,出版,翻譯,改編,修改的非排他性,實收的,永久的,和世界各地的權利,和以其他方式 使用在其被使用的形式或媒介(現在已知或目前未知)。
除非大會以書面形式並經雙方同意,請不要提交機密或專有資料給大會。大會也不接 受參加者的游說或建議,在任何情況下請不要將它們提交給大會。
大會一旦要求,參加者同意維護,賠償,並保持大會和大會的附屬機構的所有責任,索賠和費用,包括律師費,這源於參加者使用或誤用本網站。大會保留權利,在大會 自費情況下,防禦和控制任何承擔任何由參加者負責賠償相關事宜,在此情況下,參 加者會與大會在任可行的防禦情況下合作。
本網站可能不時包含由第三方提供的廣告。參加者可以進入有關或參與展示本網站上 的產品廣告商的促銷活動。任何此類接觸或促銷活動(包括送遞和付款的貨物和服務) 以及任何其他條款,條件,保證或與此類接觸或促銷活動相關的陳述,完全是參加者與廣告商之間之責任。大會不承擔任何此類接觸或促銷活動的責任,義務或責任的任 何部分。
大會可能會(無論是直接或通過第三方提供商)提供電子郵件、短信、博客或聊天服務 (以下統稱「通信」)給大會網站的用戶。大會透過這些條款和可獨立補充協議規範 參加者和大會之間的關係。
大會可以使用自動監測設備或技術來保護大會免受未經同意用戶通信(亦稱為「垃圾 郵件」)和/或其它大會認為與大會的經營宗旨不符的類型的電子通信。然而,這樣的 設備或技術並不完備,大會將對任何合法的通信被阻止不負責,或者未阻止任何未經 請求的通信。
雖然全球均可瀏覧本網站,大會不承諾本網站的資料適用或可於香港以外的地方使用 ,並從內容被禁止或非法的地區進入瀏覽。這些選擇主動從其他地點瀏覽本網站人士 ,有責任遵守當地法律。在被禁止地區,提供任何產品和服務的要約,和/或與本網站 所提供的相關信息是被禁止無效。
參加者同意大會可能在大會的判斷情况下,以任何理由終止或暫停參加者瀏覧全部或 一部分網站而沒有通知,包括但不限於違反使用條款。任何涉嫌欺詐,濫用或非法活 動可能是終止參加者的關係的理由,並且可能向相關執法部門提供資料。 不管任何原因一旦終止或暫停,參加者使用本網站現有服務的權利會被立即停止,並 且參加者承認並同意,大會可能會立即關閉或刪除參加者的帳戶,和參加者的帳戶所 有相關的信息和檔案,及/或禁止任何進一步使用該等檔案或網站。大會對參加者或任 何第三方因終止或暫停或與該等終止或暫停上採取任何其他行動,大會概不負責任何 索賠或損失。
所有給予個體通知會以電子郵件或書面形式。如欲通知大會,請發電郵至之客戶服務部 [email protected] 。大會可能根據參加者提供的地址作為個人資料的一部分進行通知。此外,大會可以透過網站廣播通知或發信息告訴參加者關於網站 變更或其他重要事項;這些廣播在發送給參加者的時間將構成通知。
這些條款和條件構成大會之間對本協議的全部同意和諒解,並取代所有之前的協議和 諒解。這些使用條款不得更改、補充、修訂或通過使用任何其他文件。任何試圖更改、補充或修改這些文件,或者訂購產品或服務而受到額外的或改變的條款和條件將被視作無效的,除非參加者和大會另有簽訂的書面協議約定。在與本網站有關的任何 事情與本使用條款有衝突或不一致,均以本使用條款為準。
在任何執行這些使用條款之行動,勝訴方將有權索取費用及律師費。任何參加者對大會或大會的關聯公司採取之任何訴訟,必須於事件發生後一年内提出,否則被視為永 遠放棄和禁止。
參加者不得轉讓關於使用條款的權利和義務予任何一方,任何嘗試作出這種聲稱都被 視作無效。大會可根據本使用條款免於行使賦予大會的權利和義務。
參加者同意不出售、轉售、複製、抄襲或使用任何本網站部分作任何商業用途,或使 用或瀏覧本網站。
除適用法律規定的任何原因,大會對超出了大會合理控制或是否可預見的任何事件而 未能提供或延遲提供產品和服務概不承擔責任,包括但不限於罷工、戰爭、火災、意 外,惡劣天氣,無法確保交通運作,政府行為或規章,以及無論是否類似於那些以上 列舉的其他原因或超出大會合理控制的事件。
如果任何部分使用條款的無效或不能執行,該部分應以盡可能接近各方的原意及符合 反映適用的法律方式來詮釋,而其餘部分應被全面執行和產生效果。 任何由大會執行 或行使本使用條款或相關權利的任何規定失效不得構成放棄該權利或豁免規定。
如果參加者發現任何用戶違反本使用條款,請電郵至 [email protected] .
最後更新: 2024年6月16日
User's confirmation and acceptance of terms
COROS SPARK RUN (“The Race”) provides participants as users to use the <COROS SPARK RUN> website and various related services (collectively referred to as the "Website"). The participants abide by all terms, conditions, and notices cited here (hereinafter referred to as "Terms & Conditions"), and any other written agreement between The Race and the participants. In addition, when using specific services or materials on this website, users should abide by any rules that publish the terms and conditions that may include those terms of use and such services or materials. All these guidelines or rules are combined into these terms of use.
If you use this website, participants agree to abide by these terms of use. If participants do not wish to be limited to these terms of use, please exit this website immediately. Participants who are dissatisfied with this website or compensate for any products, services, content or other information, please stop using this website and/or those specific products or services. When the participant starts to use this website, the agreement between the participant and the conference regarding compliance with these terms of use will become effective.
The Race expressly reserves the right to change the terms of use at any time without notice. The participant acknowledges and agrees that it is the participant's responsibility to check this website and these terms of use from time to time and understand any changes. Participants who continue to use this website after these modifications will constitute the revised terms & conditions, and confirm that they agree to comply and be bound by the revised terms & conditions.
As used in these terms & conditions, the “affiliated companies” mentioned in the The Race include business owners, subsidiaries, affiliates, managers, directors, suppliers, partners, sponsors and advertisers of the conference, including (but not limited to) ) The parties involved in the creation, production, and/or provision of this website and/or its content.
Service Description
The Race provides various services on this website, including but not limited to, sales of event items, and other similar services. Participants are responsible for providing and paying for all necessary services, including computers, modems and Internet access (including payment of all costs related to such access) equipment. The Race reserves the exclusive right to modify or terminate the website, including any website functions, without notifying the participants at any time. TThe Race will not be responsible for the participants or any third party to exercise such rights in response to the conference. Any new features, enhancements or enhancements to the current services on the site shall also comply with these terms & conditions.
Personal data and privacy
In order to obtain some of the services provided by this website, participants will be required to fill in the online registration form, which requires certain information and data ("personal data"), maintenance and update of the participant's personal data. By signing up, participants agree that all information provided in their personal data is true, accurate, and as needed to keep up to date, complete and accurate, and participants will maintain and update this information. Participants also give The Race the right to disclose certain personal information about the participants to third parties. The Race is approved by the participants. Use of this website, including the personal information of the participants, is subject to the privacy policy of The Race.
Behavior within the site
Participants use this website to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, and participants are solely responsible for the content of the participants' substantive communications through the website. By using any communication service to publish information or in other ways, chat rooms, message boards, newsgroups, software libraries, or other interactive services can be provided to participants or through this website, participants agree that participants will not upload, share, Publish, or otherwise distribute or facilitate the distribution of any content-including text, communications, software, images, sound, data, or other information, namely:
It is illegal, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamating, slandering, deceiving, fraudulent, infringing on the privacy of others, infringement, including explicit or graphic descriptions or sexual acts (including but not limited to violent or threatening language directed at another person or A group of people), or otherwise violate the rules or policies of The Race;
The religion, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age, or disability of the individual or group that hurt, harassed, devalued, or threatened;
Infringement of any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, publicity, or other proprietary rights of any party;
It constitutes unauthorized or unsolicited advertisements, spam or mass emails (also known as "spam"), chain letters, any other forms of unauthorized invitations, or any form of lottery or gambling;
Contain any data or other information that is designed or intended to subvert, damage, or restrict the function or damage of any software, hardware, or communication equipment or gain unauthorized access, software viruses or any other computer code, files, or any Third party information; or
Impersonate any individual or entity, including any employee or representative of The Race. The Race neither endorses nor assumes any responsibility for the content of any materials uploaded or submitted by third-party users to the website. The Race generally does not pre-screen, monitor, or edit user-published blog materials, communication services, chat rooms, message boards, newsgroups, software libraries, or content that may be provided or through interactive services such as this website. However, The Race and its agents have the right to make their own decisions, based on the judgment of The Race, to delete any content that does not comply with any terms of use and user behavior on the website, or any content that is harmful, offensive, or inaccurate. The General Assembly is not responsible for any failure or delay in clearing these contents. Participants hereby agree to these removals and waive any claims for such removals caused by The Race.
Participants agree that when a participant violates any of the above regulations, The Race can decide on its own at any time at The Race without prior notice to terminate the participant’s qualifications, account or other affiliated websites. In addition, the participants agreed that The Race will fully cooperate with other departments, including cooperation with law enforcement agencies in investigating suspected criminal acts in violation of the system or network security investigations.
Third-party websites and information
This website may link to other websites on the Internet or otherwise include reference information, documents, software, materials and/or services provided by other parties. Some of the information or materials that these websites may contain may be found to be inappropriate or offensive. These websites and the parties are not under the control of The Race. Participants agree that The Race will not be responsible for the accuracy, copyright compliance, legality, and appropriateness of any other aspects of such websites, nor is The Race responsible for errors or omissions of any reference from other parties or their products and services. The inclusion of such links or references is only for convenience, and does not mean endorsement, or contact, by the website or group, or any form of guarantee, any express or implied guarantee.
Intellectual Property Information
"Content" in these Terms & Conditions refers to any information, data, communications, software, pictures, videos, graphics, music, sounds, and other materials and services that can be viewed by users on the website. This includes original content such as blogs, message boards, and chats. By accepting these terms & conditions, the participant acknowledges and agrees that all content submitted by the participant on this website is protected by copyright, trademark, service mark, patent or other proprietary rights and laws. Participants are only allowed to use content that is expressly authorized by The Race or specific content providers. Except for personal use only, participants may not copy, reproduce, modify, republish, upload, publish, disseminate, or distribute any documents or materials from this website in any form or in any manner without the prior written permission of The Race. Copies or specific content providers, and participants are solely responsible for obtaining permission to use any copyrighted material before this website. Any unauthorized use of the materials appearing on this website may violate copyright law, trademark law and other applicable laws, and may result in criminal or civil penalties. Regardless of whether The Race or its affiliates guarantees or shows on the materials used by the participants, or is obtained through it, this website will not infringe the rights of third parties. All custom graphics, icons, logos and service names are registered trademarks, trademarks or service marks of their affiliates. All other trademarks or service marks are the property of their respective owners. Participants are granted the right to use any trademarks, service marks, logos, and/or the names of their affiliates in these terms of use.
Unauthorized use of materials
Participants who send this website to the conference, whether by email, post or other means, for any reason, will be regarded as any non-confidential and non-proprietary information or materials. When the participant retains all rights to these communications or materials, the participant grants The Race and its agents and branches to copy, distribute, display, perform, publish, translate, adapt, modify, non-exclusive, paid, permanent, And the rights around the world, and the form or medium in which it is used (now known or currently unknown).
Unless The Race is in writing and agreed by both parties, please do not submit confidential or proprietary information to The Race. The Race also does not accept lobbying or suggestions from participants. Please do not submit them to The Race under any circumstances.
Once requested by The Race, participants agree to maintain, compensate, and maintain all responsibilities, claims and expenses of The Race and its affiliates, including attorney fees, which stem from the use or misuse of this website by the participants. The Race reserves the right to defend and control any compensation related matters that the participants are responsible for at The Race's own expense. In this case, the participants will cooperate with The Race where it is feasible to defend.
Participate in promotions
This website may contain advertisements provided by third parties from time to time. Participants can enter related or participate in promotional activities of advertisers showing products on this website. Any such contact or promotion (including delivery and payment of goods and services) and any other terms, conditions, guarantees or statements related to such contact or promotion are solely the responsibility of the participant and the advertiser. The General Assembly does not assume any responsibility, obligations or any part of any such contact or promotional activities.
Email, mail, blog and chat services
The Race may (whether directly or through a third-party provider) provide email, SMS, blog or chat services (hereinafter collectively referred to as "communication") to users of the website. The Race regulates the relationship between participants and The Race through these terms and independent supplementary agreements.
The Race may use automatic monitoring equipment or technology to protect The Race from unauthorized user communications (also referred to as "spam") and/or other types of electronic communications deemed inconsistent with The Race's business objectives. However, such equipment or technology is not complete, and The Race will not be responsible for any legal communication being blocked, or for failing to block any unsolicited communication.
International use
Although this website can be viewed worldwide, The Race does not promise that the information on this website is applicable or can be used outside Hong Kong, and enters and browses from areas where the content is prohibited or illegal. Those who choose to actively browse this website from other locations are responsible for complying with local laws. In prohibited areas, offers to provide any products and services, and/or related information provided on this website are prohibited and invalid.
Termination of use
Participants agree that The Race may, at the discretion of The Race, terminate or suspend the participant's viewing of all or part of the website for any reason without notice, including but not limited to violation of the terms of use. Any suspected fraud, abuse or illegal activity may be the reason for terminating the participant's relationship and may provide information to relevant law enforcement agencies. Once terminated or suspended for any reason, the participant’s right to use the existing services of this website will be immediately suspended, and the participant acknowledges and agrees that The Race may immediately close or delete the participant’s account and all relevant information about the participant’s account And files, and/or prohibit any further use of such files or websites. The Race shall not be responsible for any claims or losses of participants or any third party due to termination or suspension or any other actions taken in connection with such termination or suspension.
Applicable law
This website (excluding any linked websites) is controlled by the Hong Kong office of The Race. These terms & conditions, as well as all the policies and procedures of The Race, are governed and bound by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The relevant courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region will exercise exclusive jurisdiction in any disputes or claims related to these terms & conditions.
All notifications to individuals will be in email or written form. To inform The Race, please email to the customer service department [email protected] . The Race may use the address provided by the participants as part of the personal information to notify. In addition, The Race can broadcast notices or send messages through the website to inform participants about website changes or other important matters; these broadcasts will constitute notices when they are sent to participants.
Entire Agreement
These terms and conditions constitute the entire agreement and understanding of this agreement between The Race and supersede all previous agreements and understandings. These terms & conditions may not be changed, supplemented, revised, or through the use of any other documents. Any attempt to change, supplement or modify these documents, or order products or services subject to additional or changed terms and conditions will be deemed invalid, unless otherwise agreed in a written agreement between the participants and The Race. If anything related to this website conflicts or is inconsistent with these terms & conditions, these terms & conditions shall prevail.
In any action to enforce these terms & conditions, the winning party will have the right to claim fees and attorney fees. Any lawsuit taken by any participant against The Race or the related company of The Race must be filed within one year after The Race of the event, otherwise it will be deemed to be permanently waived and prohibited.
Participants are not allowed to transfer their rights and obligations regarding the terms & conditions to any party, and any attempt to make such a claim will be deemed invalid. The Race may be exempted from exercising the rights and obligations granted to The Race in accordance with these terms & conditions.
Participants agree not to sell, resell, copy, plagiarize or use any part of this website for any commercial purposes, or to use or browse this website.
Except for any reasons stipulated by applicable laws, The Race shall not be liable for any failure to provide or delay in providing products and services beyond the reasonable control or foreseeable events of The Race, including but not limited to strikes, wars, fires, accidents, bad things Weather cannot ensure traffic operations, government actions or regulations, and whether similar to those listed above for other reasons or events beyond the reasonable control of The Race.
If any part of the terms & conditions is invalid or unenforceable, this part should be interpreted as close as possible to the original intention of the parties and in a manner that reflects the applicable law, while the remaining parts should be fully implemented and effective. Any invalidation of any provision by the General Assembly to enforce or exercise these Terms & Conditions or related rights shall not constitute a waiver of such rights or exemptions.
If participants find that any user violates these terms & conditions, please email to [email protected] .
Updated as of June 16 2024
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